Category article

What is a Hotel Channel Manager System?


What is a Hotel Channel Manager System? The hotel channel manager is the direct middle-man connection between the online distribution channels  (such as, Agoda and Expedia) and your booking engine and/or hotel PMS. Once a booking is received from…

Optimize Your Hotel During the Recent Outbreak


Optimize Your Hotel During the Recent Outbreak The outbreak of the COVID-19 Novel coronavirus has so far devastated lives around the globe. For any readers who require information regarding Basic Protective Measures, please follow this link from the W.H.O: …

COVID-19: Considerations for Hotels in Thailand


 COVID-19: Impact and Considerations for Hotels in Thailand The outbreak of the COVID-19 Novel coronavirus has so far devastated lives around the globe. For any readers who require information regarding Basic Protective Measures, please follow this link from the W.H.O:…