Smartphones take the lead in last minute hotel bookings

Mobile Responsive Webpages hold the key

for Last Minute Hotel Bookings

hotel bookings 

According to Criteo’s new study “travel Flash Report”, 60% of hotel bookings which are made from an OTA (online travel agency) website with less than 24 hours until check-in are booked on a smartphone. The study notes that 7% are made through a tablet device and 33% by desktop. The hotel suppliers received 30% of their last-minute bookings via smartphone, 11% tablet and 59% desktop. This data does not includes app bookings. 

But this doesn’t mean hotels can simply rely on their OTA partners to be mobile adaptive, as Google research observes that 52% of travelers visit your hotel’s website after seeing you on an OTA. This stresses the importance for Hotels and guest houses to ensure they adapt with the increasing demand for aesthetically pleasing mobile websites.

This is further evidence that smartphones are becoming more influential, and paves the way for the mobile applications to increase this dominance in the near future.

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