Facebook Recommendations: Put your hotel on the new dynamic map.

Over the next few months, Facebook plan to make the connection between consumer and local businesses even easier, via the the new Facebook Recommendations initiative. With this in mind, it will be vital that hotels and guest houses have an active Facebook Page to allow them to engage with their audience and fully benefit from the new tool.

The objective of the new ‘Facebook Recommendations’ tool is designed to help users explore new experiences, interesting events, and related services (such as booking a hotel room) based on suggestions from their own friends. Facebook believes that this will make the social network “more useful in everyday life”.  After submitting a post, Facebook will soon enable the new “Recommendations” feature, which will show other users that they are seeking advice.

The responses from the users’ friends will then be displayed within the post, and also via the dynamic map which will appear in the feed. Every time a recognised place is mentioned, Facebook Recommendations will link the post directly to the corresponding Facebook Page, which of course is a great source for organic referrals for any hotel/guest house. Local businesses can benefit from ensuring their company is correctly linked within the Facebook Recommendations program, so the curious customers can be referred to their page by the click of a mouse.

If Facebook Recommendations becomes popular within the social community, it will of course have the potential to drive a lot of organic and trusted traffic to the Facebook Page of any hotel which receives a mention. This in turn can increase bookings when combined with a well maintained news feed of interesting posts and pictures, along with a clear link or widget to the hotels own booking page and website.

Picture Source: Travel Tipper

With this new information in mind, Ace Marketing Solutions places extra recommendation for hotels and other businesses to become more aware and proactive in regards to their own social media channels. Twitter, Pinterest and other social media giants will be sure to follow suit if this new tool turns out to be as useful as it looks.

Read more about Facebook Recommendations at Venture Beat

Are you are looking to increase the social media presence of your hotel? 

Ace Marketing Solutions can offer packages to ensure your business is accurately represented on all of the important social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram & LinkedIn. We currently work with a portfolio of 20+ clients within the hotel industry in Chiang Mai, Thailand.